Our Policies
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This Policy sets out staff responsibilities for child protection and processes that staff must follow in relation to child protection matters. This policy applies to all staff members, which includes employees, contractors and volunteers.
All students applying for enrolment will be considered in line with this Policy. This Policy is intended to be flexibly applied to suit the circumstances of each application.
The school aims to treat all children as individuals and respond to each child’s individual needs and abilities within this Policy and for enrolment of Students with Additional Needs.
The enrolment process aims to
At Casuarina Steiner School we:
Casuarina Steiner School believes the teaching of cybersafe and ethical online behaviour is essential in the lives of students and is best taught in partnership between home and school. Today students spend increasing amounts of time online learning and socialising. These online communities need cybercitizens who do the right thing by themselves and others online, particularly when no one is watching. The school recommends that students 13 years of age and under should not be participating in social networking sites e.g. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter etc.
Safe and ethical behaviour online is explicitly taught at school and support at home is requested. It is important to note that some online activities are illegal and as such will be reported to police. This includes harassment of others and publishing of inappropriate images.
The purpose of this document is to outline the policy designed to promote learning and build positive relationships in the Casuarina School community.
The policy is premised on the right of all students to learn effectively and feel safe whilst in the care of the school.
Collaboration between school staff, students and parent(s) or carer(s) is an important feature of Casuarina Steiner School Welfare and Discipline Policy.
When parents enroll their children at Casuarina School they enter a partnership with the school. This partnership is based on the commitment to provide students with opportunities to learn and grow within the framework outlined by the Casuarina School Curriculum.
This policy is specifically for use by users of the School’s services, i.e. parents and parents as advocates for their children, and is not an appropriate forum for members of staff. Resolution of such matters should be directed through the Industrial Relations framework.
In the instance where an issue warrants police involvement such as assault, theft, possession of illegal substance, harassment, or child protection issues; the procedure below is no longer relevant. The involvement of the police must be handled through the Principal or on behalf of the Board.
This procedures applies to Casuarina Steiner School in handling complaints made in respect of services provided by the school or against staff members, which includes employees, contractors and volunteers.
This procedure does not extend to personal grievances between parents, guardians or other members of the school community.
A learning support team is a whole school planning and support mechanism. It is formed with the purpose of addressing the learning support needs of students through the coordination, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational programs.
A prime function of our Learning Support Team is to ensure that the needs of all students in the school are being met.
A key feature of our learning support team is the facilitation of collaborative planning between teachers, support staff, parents and students. Our learning support team also addresses whole school need, teacher need and student need.
This Code of Conduct is intended to assist Casuarina Steiner School parents and guardians to identify and resolve issues of conduct that may arise at school. It is designed to guide parents and guardians in their dealings with staff, other parents, students and the wider school community. The Code is written in line with the school’s values and expectations. The Code stands beside, but does not of course exclude or replace, the rights and obligations of individuals under common law.
The School is a complex organisation comprising a diversity of populations that have different relationships to one another. It is essential in such a community that all members recognise and respect not only their own rights and responsibilities but also the rights and responsibilities of other members of the community and those of the School itself.
As a parent, you play a formative role in the development of your child’s sense of justice, equity, and worth of all members of the school community. You also act as one of the most influential role models within your child’s life. As the onus for promoting and upholding these core values of the school community must fall on all those with the greatest capacity to reason and control their actions, it is the school’s expectation that all parents model acceptable behaviour at all times within the school setting.
We work hard at Casuarina Steiner School to provide an environment that is supportive of the unfolding child. Clothing can have an impact on this environment. Clothing may have a distracting or counter-productive influence on our children’s educational experience at school. Clothes can become an arena for peer pressure, fashion trends, advertising and messages and slogans. This is one reason why many schools have uniforms. Casuarina prefers not to have a uniform, rather a dress code of common sense and simplicity.
School is a place of learning and culture. One way we can support children to respect this, is to ensure that the way they dress for school is appropriate.
Tidy, clean, comfortable, well-fitting clothing suitable for outside play and all activities and weather conditions should be worn.
At Casuarina Steiner School, the bus policy is designed to ensure the safety, well-being, and comfort of all students traveling to and from school. The school provides a reliable bus service, with clear guidelines in place regarding behavior, punctuality, and safety. Students are expected to follow the instructions of the bus drivers and remain seated for the duration of the journey with seatbelt fastened.
Parents are encouraged to communicate any changes in bus usage or concerns promptly. The school aims to foster a positive and respectful atmosphere on the bus, supporting the wider values of community and cooperation emphasized in the Steiner educational approach.